Sports Administrators Courses
The Sport Administrators Course is designed to assist volunteers and paid staff who work in sports organizations to improve, operate and manage their sports organization efficiently and effectively.
- To inculcate professionalism in sports management among sports administrators
- To enable sports administrators run their organization efficiently and effectively
- To equip sports personnel with critical administration skills
- To enhance organizational skills in managing sports events
The course is participant-centred and the methodology will be participative, interactive and experiential in nature. Participants will be involved in making short presentations of the modules, discussions of the content, group work and sharing of experiences.
Participants in the Sports Administrators Courses should be involved in the local, regional or national sports movement and, as such, may be members of the National Olympic Committee (NOC), National Federations, sports clubs, educational institutions, other sports organisations, etc.
In principle, there should be at least 24 participants per course and with no more than 40 participants.
The Sport Administrators Course (SAC) is held over a period of three (3) days and attendance at all the sessions are compulsory. The SAC consists of 5 main modules from the new SAC Manual (2018), covering the following topics: –
- Olympic Background/Movement
- Sport and Public Authorities
- Ethical issues of Doping
- Promotion & Sponsorship;
- The Importance of Sport to Society/Benefits to Individuals
- Organising Sport Events
- Effective Communication in Sport
- Managing the Olympic Games/Other Games
- Financial Management & Budgeting
- Social Media / Talent Identification
- IT & Social Media in Sports
- The Principles of Good Governance
- Strategic Planning/ Managing People
- Athletes Welfare/Protection/Support
- Management skills- leadership qualities
The main content for the modules will be derived from the book “Sport Administration Manual”.
This book provides the primary content for the learning experience and is the framework for delivery of the course. The materials presented are taken from Olympic Sport Organizations throughout the world and represent a balance of sport management theory and practical examples, providing a rich and extensive database of applied materials. The use of the book as the standard referral text will enable participants to identify what is and is not appropriate for their organizations and learn how to specifically apply the information to improve themselves and their organizations in the spirit of Olympism.
For a sample course program, click here.
Participations must attend all the three (3) days with 100% attendance. They are required to take part in group discussions and help in presentations based on the topics of the modules conducted online.
Participants who fulfill all the requirements of the course will be awarded Certificate by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
The OCM will invite application approximately six (6) weeks before the scheduled start of the course. Should there be more applicants than the number of seats, priority will be given to those applicants who are serving in National Sports Associations.
A nominal fee of RM30.00 is charged for those participant who are not endorsed by National Sports Associations.