Technical Courses For Coaches
The Olympic Solidarity will assist in the organisation of up to a maximum of ten (10) training or coaching courses per National Olympic Committee. National Sports Associations who wishes to conduct coaching and training courses may apply for this program.
Among the types of courses that may be covered under the Olympic Solidarity assistance programme are as follows:
1. National level coaching / training courses
These are specific education / training courses which a National Sports Association organise in collaboration with the International Federation (IF) concerned. These courses must follow the rules established by the respective IF particularly in terms of expert’s appointment, course duration, course content, format, number of participants, number of practical and theoretical hours, assessment method, certification of participation, etc.
National Sports Association may propose a local assistant, subject to the approval by the IF concerned.
2. Regional level coaching / training courses
Regional or continental courses identified and proposed by the International Federation, and hosted by a National Sports Association can also benefit from the Olympic Solidarity assistance.
3. Educators’ training – by sport
These courses are meant to enable NOCs to educate coaches so that they can not only coach their athletes, but also teach their fellow coaches. In principle, the experts will be appointed by an IF in line with the approved content, where applicable).
4. Courses in Physical Conditioning or Multi-Sport courses (i.e. periodisation, mental preparation, nutrition, etc.)
National Sports Associations may also organise courses in physical conditioning or multisport training courses focusing on a specific topic (e.g. training planning, mental preparation, nutrition, etc.). In such cases, the experts will be appointed by an IF or by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), in line with the approved content.
5. Courses for Trainers of Coaches
In today’s coaching environment, Trainers of Coaches play a key role in different learning situations, and bring significant expertise in the learning process to enhance coaching effectiveness and, ultimately, the benefits that athletes and sport participants receive from high-quality coaches. These Trainers can also help with the first steps towards creating a project of Development of the National Coach Education and Sport System (DNCESS) and identifying future coach educators who may also benefit from Olympic Solidarity scholarship opportunities. The experts will be appointed by the ICCE in line with the approved content.
6. ICECP National Courses
These courses, developed by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and the University of Delaware (UDEL), are meant to enable National Sports Associations to establish a programme of coaching education courses. They will include a core sports sciences and coaching leadership education curriculum delivered virtually and through in-person practical sessions, facilitated by International Coaching Enrichment Certificate Program (ICECP) graduates.
Olympic Solidarity covers the organisational costs and depending on the results of the analysis of the budgetary proposal and will on average usually be between USD 8,000 and 10,000. The amount may be increased to USD 12,000 should this be both necessary and justified.
The purchase of sports, office or electronic equipment (laptop, projector, screen, printer, camera, etc.) is not covered by the budget of this programme.
Expert’s Expenses
For sport-based courses organised in collaboration with an IF
For multisport courses organised in collaboration with entities other than an IF
For multisport courses organised directly by the NOC
Which expenses? | The expert’s transport expenses (international airline ticket in standard economy class) + any required visa and vaccination costs
Per diem (amount established in agreement with each IF) |
The expert’s transport expenses (international airline ticket in standard economy class) + any required visa and vaccination costs
Per diem (amount established in agreement with each partner) |
The expert’s transport expenses (international airline ticket in standard economy class) + any required visa and vaccination costs
Per diem (amount established beforehand with the NOC) |
Who is responsible for paying the expert | The IF concerned, as they are in direct contact with the expert
The partner concerned, as they are in direct contact with the expert
The host NOC/NF
Reimbursement by Olympic Solidarity | To the IF after submission of the corresponding invoice | To the partner after submission of the corresponding invoice | To the NOC along with all course-related costs as per our standard procedure (advance/balance payment) upon receipt of the related reports